The first report on the Green & Lavandes program is now available.

Launched in 2019, the program aims to improve the environmental impact, and in particular the carbon impact, of the lavender industry..

The first phase of the program confirmed the importance of each stage of the life cycle in improving environmental impact.

This is why the work will continue over the period 2023-2026, with the same objectives.

The complete 2019-2022 review and outlook is available Green & Lavandes_Bilan 2019-2022&Perspectives 2023-2026_vf web as well as a simplified version Green & Lavandes_Bilan simplifié_2019-2022&Perspectives 2023-2026

The technical report on the 3-year experiment on plant cover is also available here: CR_G&L_Action 2 Cover crops_vf_02.10.23